Orion Starblast Ii 45 Equatorial Reflector Telescope Review

Its flimsy base pulls down StarBlast II 4.5EQ, but the high-quality optics are fair compensation.


  • Smashing Optics
  • Portable
  • Plössl Eyepieces
  • Low Price
  • Wobbly Tripod
  • Difficult to Use


An equatorial mount at the budget cost range is always a poor choice. They areplastic,unstable,hard to use, andslightly more than expensive.

Who should go the StarBlast Two 4.5? People who, for some reason, are in demand of an EQ mount. Those buyers volition know what they are getting. Other than that, a pure beginner should go a telescope with analtazimuthmountain. Those models aretabletops,Dobsonians, and some of therefractors. They are cheaper and improve in all areas.

An EQ mount is not a adept choice for a beginner.

But even so, StarBlast 4.5 Ii is worth a review. The reason for that is its high-quality eyes and accessories. And also, it is wildly popular.



114mm is enough for brighter infinite objects.

The optical quality is the compensation for the low-quality base. Although the 114mm(4.5") aperture is non the most passionate starter width, it is able to gather enough lite to view brighter Messier objects and show some planetary detail.

The focal ratio of f/4 is perfect for deep space performance, just information technology will lower planetary performance. It will too require precise collimation.

StarBlast 4.5 Two requires precise optical alignment.

Planetary Performance

Planetary operation is below average.

The planetary performance is non as good equally the usual 114mm. That is because of the short optical tube. The telescope is harder to focus at high magnifications and the field view is likewise high for a good corporeality of detail.

Jupiter will show its many stripes, The Swell Ruby Spot and 4 Galilean Moon's.

Rings of Saturn and its largest moon Titan are piece of cake targets.

Mars will show some surface detail as black and white stains.

Phases of Venus are like shooting fish in a barrel to observe.

Uranus and Neptune will appear as blueish dots.

The Lunar performance is not equally good every bit the usual 114mm telescope, only it still will evidence a mesmerizing corporeality of craters and mountain ranges.

Deep Space Performance

Deep space functioning is where StarBlast II 4.5EQ shines. The wide field view combined with the 114mm aperture will provide above average sharpness and brightness with deep infinite objects.

The brighter Messier Catalog objects are the ideal targets for the StarBlast Ii 4.5. These include the Andromeda Milky way, Orion Nebula, Hercules Star Cluster, and the Pleiades Cluster. There are endless Deep Infinite Objects yous tin observe with this telescope.

The deep infinite performance won't disappoint.

Can I do some astrophotography with the StarBlast Ii 4.5EQ?

In practise, you can't do any astrophotography with the StarBlast 4.5EQ. You lot need a DSLR photographic camera, a ameliorate EQ mount, and a tracker which will cost more than than twice the telescope itself, and astrophotography is not piece of cake to do with the most expensive of equipment.



The mount is flimsy also as the tripod. You lot can increment the overall stability past attaching a heavy object right below the EQ mount, but it won't solve the problem completely.

Adding to the stability trouble, the EQ mount will have a learning bend.

The broad-field view helps a footling. You need less precision with such optical pattern.

Overall the mountain is the deal-billow. Although it is a decent equatorial, it is simply incommunicable to provide a butter smooth and rock-solid equatorial mount at this price range. The tripod doesn't help with its thin, aluminum legs.



Orion did the right matter by sending Plössl eyepieces with this telescope. They are much better than the usual Kellner's, and provide some compensation for the low-quality mount. The 10mm eyepiece will provide 45x, and the 25mm eyepiece volition provide 18x magnification.

This telescope will go every bit high equally 170-180x. A 6mm Goldline is about necessary for planetary item. It willquadruple the potential of the StarBlast II 4.5EQ.

The ruby dot finder is cheap, but useful. It is more reliable than slightly more expensive, scope-type finders such every bit the six×30. Information technology is my personal choice at budget prices.

The focuser is a ane.25" rack and pinion. It is by and large plastic, but it does its job well. I don't wait anything better at this price range.


The base as a whole is a weakness, and not in a small way. You should avert an equatorial base if it is not an absolute necessity.


Overall this telescope is ideal for a very small percent of astronomers. The EQ mount and the f/4 focal ratio makes it harder to use. The base is flimsy, and the tripod needs additional weight for some stability.

I don't know why an EQ mount would be a necessity, only in such case, StarBlast 2 4.5EQ is i of the bests. The quality of the optics and the accessories have information technology to another level.



Source: https://telescopestobuy.com/orion-starblast-ii-4-5-equatorial-reflector-review/

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